“ALL EARS, NO BOUNDS” Improv Workshop & Concert

While improvised performances happen on the spur of the moment without pre-written materials, their nature is not sheer spontaneity; in fact, they are often backed by solid techniques and experiences acquired through effort.


In this workshop led by pipa player Mavis Lam (co-founder/music manager, Wuji Ensemble) and jazz musician/double-bassist Lui Ngao-yuen, students will learn introductory improvisation techniques both in jazz and Chinese music. In the former, performers improvise to a certain rhythmic framework and structure; in the latter, the improvisation process itself gradually builds toward a structure.

After this one and a half-hour workshop of foundational improvisational techniques, participants will have the chance to perform alongside professional musicians in Chinese and Western music in a school concert.


Wuji Ensemble will compare and contrast Chinese and Western instruments and demonstrate how their different qualities can be drawn together to construct new musical languages. At the end of the concert, participants of the improv workshop will join the ensemble on stage for a fun jamming session.

Target: Secondary 1 – 6
Anyone interested in learning about music improvisation and has fundamental performance technique.
All musical instruments are welcome.
Students should bring their own musical instruments.
Programme Period: 2021.09 – 2021.12
Activities: Workshop and Concert
Duration: Workshop: Approximately 90 minutes
Concert: Approximately 45 minutes
Suggested Venue: Workshop: Music room / Activity room
Concert: School hall with stage
No. of Participants: Workshop: Approximately 5-10
Concert: All students can be admitted

Application and enquiry:

Hong Kong Arts Development Council reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/ or vary advertised programmes. In case of dispute, the decision of HKADC is final.

Participating Artists

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Programme Period:
2021.09 – 2021.12

Free of charge on a first-come-first-served basis. Interested schools and teachers, please contact jcnap@hkadc.org.hk

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